French 2: Wednesday January 2 2012 Lesson Plan

CAH en France! Donnez l'amour au substitut!

DUE: rien!

[20 minutes] Oral Exam Practice!
  • Play the French 2 Semester Oral Exam video; pause to allow student responses.
  • Make sure every student has signed up for a time on the Semester Oral Exam Sign-up Sheet (southeast wall).
Les Devoirs: Verb conjugation! Practice the present and past tense conjugations of each of the following verbs by writing six complete sentences for each verb, three in the present, three in the past!
For example: if I give you the verb répondre, don't just write Je réponds, j'ai répondu, nous répondons, nous avons répondu, elles répondent, elles ont répondu. Write three full present-tense sentences, each with a different prepositional phrase or direct object or some such complement following the verb; then reword each sentence in the past tense. Next to each sentence, write what you mean in English!

1. Je réponds à maman. I respond to Mom.
2. J'ai répondu à maman. I responded to Mom.
3. Nous répondons aux questions. We are responding to the questions.
4. Nous avons répondu aux questions. We answered the questions.
5. Michel et Murièle ne répondent pas aux enfants. Michel and Murièle don't answer the children.
6. Michel et Murièle ne répondent pas aux enfants. Michel and Murièle didn't answer the children
  • Pay attention to pp. 58 and 60! Those pages tell you which verbs take avoir and être to form the past tense; 58 also lists irregular past participles.
  • Do not use Google Translate. Make all sentences from vocab available in our textbook.
  • You may use to check verb conjugations. For example, you can enter the verb aller into the WR verb conjugator and see all six present forms of the verb. 
  • Do not copy anyone else's sentences. You may ask other students questions, but working together does not mean one student comes up with original sentences and the other copies them down. 
Got it? Good! Start writing—six sentences for each of the following verbs, each one translated into English:
  1. manger
  2. finir
  3. arriver
  4. faire
  5. être
  6. dormir
  7. attendre (remember: you don't need a preposition for "for" after this verb!)
  8. aller
  9. sortir
  10. vouloir
  11. savoir
  12. rester

French 1: Wed/Thu January 2/3 2012 Lesson Plan

CAH en France! Donnez l'amour au substitut!

DUE: rien!

[20 minutes] Oral Exam Practice!

  • Play the French 1 Semester Oral Exam video; pause to allow student responses.
  • Make sure every student has signed up for a time on the Semester Oral Exam Sign-up Sheet (southeast wall).

Les Devoirs: Verb conjugation! Practice the full six-part present tense conjugation of each of the following verbs by writing six complete sentences for each verb!
For example: if I give you the verb répondre, don't just write Je réponds, tu réponds, elle répond, nous répondons, vous répondez, elles répondent. Write six full sentences, each with a different prepositional phrase or direct object or some such complement following the verb. Next to each sentence, write what you mean in English!

1. Je réponds à maman. I respond to Mom.
2. Tu réponds au prof? Are you answering the teacher?
3. Elle ne répond pas à la question. She is not answering the question.
4. Nous répondons aux questions. We are responding to the questions.
5. Vous répondez à papa? Do you respond to Dad?
6. Michel et Murièle ne répondent pas aux enfants. Michel and Murièle don't answer the children.
  • Do not use Google Translate. Make all sentences from vocab available in our textbook.
  • You may use to check verb conjugations. For example, you can enter the verb aller into the WR verb conjugator and see all six present forms of the verb. 
  • Do not copy anyone else's sentences. You may ask other students questions, but working together does not mean one student comes up with original sentences and the other copies them down. 
Got it? Good! Start writing—six sentences for each of the following verbs, each one translated into English:
  1. écouter
  2. manger
  3. parler
  4. jouer
  5. vendre
  6. commencer (Consider using a verb after each one of these. For instance, you could say "Bob is starting to eat" by putting the infinitive "to eat" after the conjugated form of "commencer": Bob commence à manger.)
  7. préférer
  8. attendre (remember: you don't need a preposition for "for" after this verb!)
  9. aller
  10. faire
  11. être
  12. avoir

French 3: Thursday January 3 2013 Lesson Plan

CAH en France! Donnez l'amour au substitut!

DUE: rien!

[5 minutes] Make sure each student has signed up for an oral exam time! (see yellow sign-up sheets on southeast wall)
  • Remember: Oral exams start next week on Monday!
[20 minutes] Study list of historical dates!
  • Students take turns reading aloud dates and historical information en français!
  • Then have students pair up. One says the date en français; the other responds with the historical event from the list (yes, students may look at sheets while practicing).
  • On the oral exam, CAH will ask five questions pertaining to these historical dates. CAH will give the event; students will have to respond with a complete sentence. For example, if I ask, "Quand a Napoléon perdu à Waterloo?" you could respond, "Napoléon a perdu à Waterloo en mille huit cent quinze" ou "...en dix-huit cent quinze."
[20 minutes] Semester Oral Exam Practice!

[20 minutes] Vocabulary Review: Chapter 1!
  • See all words, including conversation phrases and slang terms, on pp. 6–9 and 18–21.
  • See an incomplete one-page list on p. 37.
  • Abigail leads pronunciation practice (she reads, students repeat) on Vocab List 1.1.
  • Katharine leads pronunciation practice on Vocab List 1.2
  • Board practice: send three students to board. Teacher gives one of the vocab words in English; students race to write the proper French  word or phrase! Student who gets it first gets to stay at the board; other two sit, replaced by two new contestants. Do this for 20-30 words, as time permits.
[10 minutes] Brief Chapter 1 Grammar Review! Have students look at that following grammar points from Chapter 1:
  1. Basic regular verb conjugations for -er, -ir, and -re verbs (p. 10)
  2. Seven really important irregular verbs: aller, avoir, ê, faire, prendre, venir, and I'm adding vouloir! (p. 12) Students should look up and write the six-part present conjugation for vouloir in their textbooks on p. 12!
  3. Past tense/passé composé (p. 22)
  4. Imperfect/imparfait (p. 24)
Les Devoirs: Écrivez pp. 34–35 Exs. 2, 3, et 4!

French 3: Semester Exam Historical Dates

Élèves de Français 3: Memorisez ses dates clefs de l'histoire française! Je vous poserai questions de ces dates sur l'examen semestriel oral et peut-être l'examen écrit 

Event (in English)
Événement (en français)
1337–1453 Hundred Years' War (1337-1453)  Guerre de Cent Ans
1347 Black Plague Epidemic épidémie de peste noire
1572 Massacre of French Protestants. Massacre de la Saint-Barthélemy: Massacre des protestants français 
1598 King Henry IV issues Edict of Nantes, granting Protestants religious rights. Le roi Henri IV donne les protestants des droites religieux avec L'édit de Nantes
1789 The French Revolution began with the storming of the Bastille. La Révolution française commence.
1793 Former Queen of France Marie Antoinette was executed by guillotine. Ancienne reine de France Marie-Antoinette a été guillotiné.
1799 Napoleon comes to power Napoleon vient au pouvoir.
1804 Napoleon crowned himself Emperor in Notre-Dame de Paris. Napoleon has Pope Pius VII in attendance to indicate approval of the Church. Napoléon se couronna empereur à Notre-Dame de Paris. Napoléon a le pape Pie VII en présence d'indiquer l'approbation de l'Église.
1815 Napoleon defeated in Battle of Waterloo; monarchy reestablished 1815 - Napoléon est vaincu dans la bataille de Waterloo; monarchie rétablie
1830 July Monarchy: Louis-Philippe becomes king. La monarchie de juillet: Louis-Philippe est devenu roi.
1871 Third Republic was started. Troisième république commencé.
1871-1914 The Belle Epoque: period of great artistic, literary, economic, and cultural development. La Belle Époque: periode des grandes developpements artistiques, litteraires, economiques, et culturelles
1875 Recognition of the right to form a union. - La reconnaissance du droit de former un syndicat.
1885 Statue of liberty is made and shipped to U.S. Statue de Liberté est fait et expédié pour le U.S.
1905 The 1905 French law on the separation of church and state ended government funding of religious groups. La loi de 1905 français sur la séparation des Eglises et de l'Etat terminée le financement public des groupes religieux.
1940 France is invaded by the German army.  La France est envahie par l'armée allemande. 
1944 Normandy Beach Landings Normandie Débarquement sur la Plage
1944 The city of Paris is liberated. La ville de Paris est libéré.
1951 Treaty of Paris: Establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) between France, West Germany, Italy, and the Benelux countries, producing diplomatic and economic stability in Europe between former enemy states. The ECSC is credited as one of the major "ancestors" of the European Union. Traité de Paris: Mise en place de la Communauté européenne du charbon et de l'acier (CECA) entre la France, la RFA, l'Italie et les pays du Benelux, la production de la stabilité diplomatique et économique en Europe entre les Etats ex-ennemis. La CECA est crédité comme l'un des grands «ancêtres» de l'Union européenne. 18 avril 1951
1958 General De Gaulle returns to power as a result of the Algerian crisis. Le général de Gaulle revient au pouvoir à la suite de la crise algérienne.
1962 End of the Algerian War. Algeria, a French colony, obtained independence from France after almost 8 years of official strife. Fin de la guerre d'Algérie. Algérie, une colonie française, a obtenu son indépendance de la France après presque 8 ans de guerre officielle.
1969 Pompidou presidency began Georges Pompidou est devenu président.
1970 De Gaulle dies of stroke. 1970 - De Gaulle est mort -- l'accident vasculaire cérébral
1974 Valéry Giscard d'Estaing becomes president. Valéry Giscard d'Estaing est devenu président.
1981 Abolition of the death penalty. La peine de mort est officiellement interdite en France.
1981 Mitterand presidency began François Mitterand est devenu président.
1995 Jacques Chirac becomes president. Jacques Chirac est devenu président.
1998 Introduction of the euro: the exchange rates between the euro and legacy currencies (the franc for France) in the became fixed currency at the end of December 1999. Introduction de l'euro: les taux de change entre l'euro et les anciennes monnaies (le franc pour la France) dans la zone euro s'est fixé le 31 décembre, 1999
2002 Introduction of the first euro coins and bills replacing the legacy currency, the franc.  Introduction des premières pièces en euros et billets remplacement de la monnaie nationale, le franc.
2007 Nicolas Sarkozy is elected President of the Republic for five years. Nicolas Sarkozy est élu président de la République pour cinq ans.
2012 François Hollande began his term as president of France. François Hollande a commencé son mandat comme président de la France.

Joe Dassin Sings "Les Champs Élysées"... As Ought We!

On Wednesday, 28 Spearfish students leave for France. We should practice this song about the Champs Élysées, the most beautiful street in the world:

The singer is Joe Dassin, an American (!) who moved to Europe as an eleven-year-old with his parents when his father, film director Jules Dassin, left America after being blacklisted from Hollywood during the Red Scare. He recorded "Les Champs Élysées" in March 1969.

French 3: Friday December 21 2012 Lesson Plan

DUE: Les Devoirs!
  1. Write possible answers to each of the Semester Oral Exam questions!
  2. Pick one place or one object from the French trip itinerary that you'd like to see. Prepare a minimum-three-minute presentation on this place/object of interest to deliver today. 
    • Make sure you've entered your chosen topic on the Shared Google Doc topic chart.
    • Prepare a 30-second introduction to your topic in French and deliver this introduction without notes.
    • The rest of the presentation may be in English or French, delivered with or without notes (but please, please, please, not read directly from a transcript, because that it usually deathly boring).
    • Audiovisual aids are welcome but entirely optional. I will grade the quality of your French introduction (pronunciation, information, grammar) and the quality of the main presentation (a clear explanation of what makes this place/object so interesting).
    • Topics can be any place on the travel itinerary, with the exception that you cannot do one whole city. 
    • Topics can also be specific objects at certain places, like specific art works in the Louvre, the Musée d'Orsay, etc.
[10 minutes] Students still to present psych up while CAH checks homework!

[50 minutes] Students present! Ten to go!

If any time remains at the end of class, review the draft Semester Oral Exam Questions!

Les Devoirs: Pratiquez le français 15 minutes par jour pendant les vacances. 

  • Écoutez et répondez aux questions de l'examen oral.
  • Révisez le vocabulaire et le grammaire des Chapitres 1, 2 et 3.

French 1: Thu/Fri December 20/21 2012 Lesson Plan

[Reminder: Short periods Friday!]

DUE: Les Devoirs:
  1. Write six questions and responses to each, using vocab from Chapter 1 in each sentence.
  2. Write three sentences, then negate each one with ne... pas.
[20 minutes] Chapter 1 Vocab/Grammar Review: sentences on board!

[20 minutes] Chapter 2 Vocab Review: drill those words!

[20 minutes] Chapter 2 Grammar Review!
  • Definite articles (le, la, les) (p. 44)
  • -er verbs—the six-part chart! (p. 46)
  • Contractions with à (au, à la, aux) (p. 56)
  • Conjunctions et, mais, ou (p. 58)
[30 minutes] Practice Oral Exam Questions!

Les Devoirs: pensez et parlez 15 minutes chaque jour pendant les vacances de Noël!

French 2: Thursday December 20 Lesson Plan

DUE: Les Devoirs:
  1. Write six questions and six answers using vocab from Chapter 1 in each sentence.
  2. Write six sentences using avoir, être, an -er verb, an -ir verb, an -re verb, and a couple of adjectives!
[20 minutes] Chapter 1 Vocab and Grammar Review
  • Students pair up, ask each other the questions from their homework. Circulez quelques fois!
  • Each student writes two sentences from his/her homework under the six grammar categories covered on the board! Review!
[25 minutes] Chapter 2 Vocab Practice! pp. 42–45 and 54–57.
  • Drill vocab words English to French and French to English!
  • Ask questions from Exprimons-nous!
[20 minutes] Review Chapter 2 Grammar!
  • Direct Object Pronouns (p. 46)
  • Indirect Object Pronouns (p. 48)
  • passé composé with avoir (p. 58)
    • Note the irregular past participles!
  • passé composé with être (p. 60) with "verbs of motion"
[25 minutes] Oral Exam Practice!

Les Devoirs: pensez et parlez 15 minutes chaque jour pendant les vacances de Noël!

French 3: Wednesday December 19 2012 Lesson Plan

DUE: Les Devoirs!
  1. E-mail me your non-binding suggestions for oral exam questions.
  2. Pick one place or one object from the French trip itinerary that you'd like to see. Prepare a minimum-three-minute presentation on this place/object of interest to deliver on Wednesday. 
    • Make sure you've entered your chosen topic on the Shared Google Doc topic chart.
    • Prepare a 30-second introduction to your topic in French and deliver this introduction without notes.
    • The rest of the presentation may be in English or French, delivered with or without notes (but please, please, please, not read directly from a transcript, because that it usually deathly boring).
    • Audiovisual aids are welcome but entirely optional. I will grade the quality of your French introduction (pronunciation, information, grammar) and the quality of the main presentation (a clear explanation of what makes this place/object so interesting).
    • Topics can be any place on the travel itinerary, with the exception that you cannot do one whole city. 
    • Topics can also be specific objects at certain places, like specific art works in the Louvre, the Musée d'Orsay, etc.
[75 minutes] Student Presentations!

If any time remains at the end of class, review the draft Semester Oral Exam Questions!

Les Devoirs: Write possible answers to each of the Semester Oral Exam questions!

French 3 Semester Oral Exam -- January 2013

French 3 students, be prepared to answer the following questions on your Semester Oral Exam. Also be prepared to answer follow-up questions based on your responses.
  1. Dis-moi de ton sport préféré.
  2. Dis-moi de ta matière préférée.
  3. Comment tu as passé les vacances de Noël?
  4. Qu'est-ce que tu veux faire ce week-end?
  5. Dis-moi de ton week-end idéal.
  6. Qu'est-ce que tu as l'intention de faire après le lycée? (l'université? et comme métier/profession?)
  7. Âllo, je voudrais parler à [quelqu'un!], s'il vous plaît. [Phone conversations, p. 57!] 
  8. Âllo, je suis bien chez [quelqu'un!]? [Phone conversations, p. 57!] 
  9. Dis-moi trois faits au sujet du bac.
  10. Dis-moi une petite fable ou un petit conte. (Quatre phrases au minimum!)
  11. Quels sont les pays du Maghreb?
  12. Pourquoi est le Maghreb important dans l'histoire de la France?
  13. Je vais te donner cinq événements importants dans l'histoire de la France. Tu devras me dire le date des événements.
  14. Pose-moi trois questions.

French 1: Tue/Wed December 18/19 2012 Lesson Plan

DUE: rien!

[20 minutes] Semester Oral Exam Practice! Drill those questions!

[30 minutes] Chapter 1 Vocab Review! pp. 6–9 et pp. 18–21.

[20 minutes] Chapter 1 Grammar Review!
  • Know your numbers and their spellings (p. 10).
  • Subject pronouns (p. 14)
  • Accent marks (p. 22)
  • Indefinite articles (p. 24)
  • avoir and negation with ne... pas (p. 26)
Les Devoirs:
  1. Write six questions and responses to each, using vocab from Chapter 1 in each sentence.
  2. Write three sentences, then negate each one with ne... pas.

French 2: Tuesday December 18 2012 Lesson Plan

DUE: rien!

[20 minutes] Semester Oral Exam Review! Drill those questions!

[25 minutes] Chapter 1 Vocab Review! Do Q&A over pp. 6–9 and 18–21.

[20 minutes] Chapter 1 Grammar Review! Question students on...

  1. avoir et être (p. 10)
  2. adjective agreement (p. 12)
  3. -er verbs (p. 22)
  4. -ir and -re verbs (p. 24)
Les Devoirs:
  1. Write six questions and six answers using vocab from Chapter 1 in each sentence.
  2. Write six sentences using avoir, être, an -er verb, an -ir verb, an -re verb, and a couple of adjectives!

French 3: Monday December 17 2012 Lesson Plan

DUE: Enter 10 noteworthy dates in French history in the chart provided on the French 3 Shared Google Doc History Chart!
  1. Year is sufficient for date. 
  2. You must include a short one-sentence description of each event in English, then provide a French translation for each!
  3. Hmmm... je me demande... où est-ce que nous pouvons trouver les dates clefs de l'historire française?
[20 minutes] History Practice! Students read (en français!) what they think are the three most interesting dates from their lists. But note: students can't repeat events read by someone else.

[15 minutes] Oral Exam Discussion!
  • I'd like to include a little history on the oral quiz: ask you about some subset of the historical events you've listed and have you respond with the dates (yes, number practice!).
  • I'd also like to review the vocab we've quizzed in Chapters 1–3.
  • I could also include questions about the topics we've discussed (musicians, the education system and le bac, sights in France, etc.).
  • What are your suggestions for the oral exam? What kinds of questions would you consider fair assessments of your progress in listening to and speaking in French this semester?
[55 minutes] Le temps à travailler!

Les Devoirs: 
  1. E-mail me your non-binding suggestions for oral exam questions.
  2. Due mercredi, le 18 décembre: Pick one place or one object from the French trip itinerary that you'd like to see. Prepare a minimum-three-minute presentation on this place/object of interest to deliver on Wednesday. 
    • Make sure you've entered your chosen topic on the Shared Google Doc topic chart.
    • Prepare a 30-second introduction to your topic in French and deliver this introduction without notes.
    • The rest of the presentation may be in English or French, delivered with or without notes (but please, please, please, not read directly from a transcript, because that it usually deathly boring).
    • Audiovisual aids are welcome but entirely optional. I will grade the quality of your French introduction (pronunciation, information, grammar) and the quality of the main presentation (a clear explanation of what makes this place/object so interesting).
    • Topics can be any place on the travel itinerary, with the exception that you cannot do one whole city. 
    • Topics can also be specific objects at certain places, like specific art works in the Louvre, the Musée d'Orsay, etc.

French 1 Semester Oral Exam January 2013

French 1 students, be prepared to answer the following questions in your Semester Exam Oral Interview:
  1. Comment ça va?
  2. Comment tu t'appelles?
  3. Quel âge as-tu?
  4. Dis-moi quatre choses, qu'on trouve dans la salle de classe.
  5. Vous êtes combien dans votre famille?
  6. Comment s'appellent ta mère et ton père?
  7. Tu as combien de frères et de sœurs?
  8. Comment s'appellent tes frères et tes sœurs?
  9. Comment est ta mère/ton père/ton frère/ta sœur?
  10. Comptez jusqu'à 100 par dizaines.
  11. Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire?
  12. Qu'est-ce que tu détestes faire?
  13. Quel est ton couleur favori?
  14. De quelle couleur est...? [CAH va montrer quelque chose!]
  15. Quel type de musique est-ce que tu préfères?
  16. Quelle est ta matière préférée?
  17. Où vas-tu après l'école?
  18. Quelle heure est-il?
  19. Quel jour est-il?
  20. Que fais-tu samedi?
  21. Pose au prof trois questions en français (et montre, que tu comprends ses réponses)!

French 1: Fri/Mon December 14/17 2012 Lesson Plan

DUE: If you didn't finish the in-class assignment last time, show me the remainder of those sentences for credit!

[45 minutes] Chapter 4 Grammar Quiz! Sentences on board; you translate! Five big issues:

  1. How to express need with avoir besoin de (j'ai besoin de, tu as besoin de, il a besoin de...) and il me faut (p. 125)
  2. How to conjugate -re verbs (p. 116)
  3. How to conjugate -ger/-cer verbs (p. 118)
  4. How to conjugate the accent-changing verbs (the verbs that add accents grave in the 1-2-3-6 forms; a.k.a. the shoe verbs, boot verbs, sheep verbs; p. 128)
  5. How to use adjectives as nouns (p. 130).

[45 minutes] Begin Semester Exam Review!
  • Check out draft questions for Semester Oral Exam.
  • Practice Chapter 1 Vocab.
Les Devoirs: rien! But be ready for review exercises this week and in January to boost scores and prepare for finals January 14–16!

French 2 Semester Oral Exam -- January 2013

French 2 students, be prepared to answer the following questions on your Semester Oral Exam:
  1. Comment ça va?
  2. Comment tu t'appelles?
  3. Quel âge as-tu?
  4. De quelle couleur sont tes yeux?
  5. De quelle couleur est ta voiture?
  6. Comment s'appelle ta mère/ton père?
  7. Ta mère, elle est comment?
  8. Ton père, il est comment?
  9. Où est-ce qu'on peut acheter...? (any grocery item is fair game!)
  10. Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire cuire?
  11. Qu'est-ce qu'il faut pour faire cuire du pain?
  12. Quel est ton fruit/légume préféré?
  13. Dis-moi quatre légumes/fruits.
  14. Où est-ce que tu aimes étudier? Pourquoi?
  15. Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire le week-end?
  16. Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire en janvier/juillet/un autre mois?
  17. Qu'est-ce qu'il faut faire pour organiser une soirée/une fête/une boum/une teuf?
  18. Quelle est ta fête préférée? Pourquoi?
  19. Quels cadeaux est-ce que tu as donné pour le Noël?
  20. Pour réussir aux examens de français, qu'est-ce qu'il te faut faire?
  21. Pose au prof trois questions en français (et montre, que tu comprends ses réponses)!

French 2: Friday December 14 2012 Lesson Plan

DUE: rien! parce que vous étes trop occupés avec les préparations pour...

[45 minutes] Chapter 4 Grammar Quiz!

  • Sentences will be on the board. You will translate.
[45 minutes] Begin review for Semester Exam!
  1. Check out draft questions for Semester Oral Exam.
  2. Practice Chapter 1 Vocab.
Les Devoirs: rien! But be ready for some review homework next week and in January.

French 3: Thursday December 13 2012 Lesson Plan

DUE: Les Devoirs!
  • Écrivez p. 113 Exs. 28 & 29. 
  • Étudiez pour l'examen de vocabulaire 3.2! pp. 110–113!
[25 minutes] Vocab Quiz 3.2!

[20 minutes] Grammar Review: plus-que-parfait—the past perfect!
  • Écrivez les phrases des Exercises 28 et 29 au tableau!
  • Discuss plus-que-parfait in context of tense-sequence chart on p. 114.
[45 minutes] Research Time!

Les Devoirs Massifs:
  1. Due lundi, le 17 décembre: Enter 10 noteworthy dates in French history in the chart provided on the French 3 Shared Google Doc History Chart
  2. Due mercredi, le 18 décembre: Pick one place or one object from the French trip itinerary that you'd like to see. Prepare a minimum-three-minute presentation on this place/object of interest to deliver on Wednesday. 
    • Please enter your chosen topic on the Shared Google Doc topic chart by the end of class today!
    • You must prepare a 30-second introduction to your topic in French and deliver this introduction without notes.
    • The rest of the presentation may be in English or French, delivered with or without notes (but please, please, please, not read directly from a transcript, because that it usually deathly boring).
    • Audiovisual aids are welcome but entirely optional. I will grade the quality of your French introduction (pronunciation, information, grammar) and the quality of the main presentation (a clear explanation of what makes this place/object so interesting).
    • Topics can be any place on the travel itinerary, with the exception that you cannot do one whole city. 
    • Topics can also be specific objects at certain places, like specific art works in the Louvre, the Musée d'Orsay, etc.
    • Work time on Monday!

French 1: Wed/Thu December 12-13 2012 Lesson Plan

DUE: rien! parce que vous avez passé tout le temps en bachotant pour...

[30 minutes] Vocab Quiz 4.2!

[60 minutes] Review for Chapter 4 Grammar Quiz!

For the quiz you're taking next time, I want you to know five things:
  1. How to express need with avoir besoin de (j'ai besoin de, tu as besoin de, il a besoin de...) and il me faut (p. 125)
  2. How to conjugate -re verbs (p. 116)
  3. How to conjugate -ger/-cer verbs (p. 118)
  4. How to conjugate the accent-changing verbs (the verbs that add accents grave in the 1-2-3-6 forms; a.k.a. the shoe verbs, boot verbs, sheep verbs; p. 128)
  5. How to use adjectives as nouns (p. 130).
In-Class Assignment: Translate the following 30 sentences into French! Show them to CAH by end of period for full credit!

-re verbs
My sisters need to study.
Do you sell t-shirts?
I need a pencil. We are selling our books.
Do you need a pen? Are you waiting for Mom?
Marie needs some sneakers. They are answering the prof.
Do you need erasers? I hear my dog.
We need to go to the library. He's losing his book.

-ger/-cer verbs
accent grave verbs
We are placing the TV here (ici). We are raising our hands (les mains).
We are correcting our homework. They are raising their hands.
We pronounce French well! She prefers French.
We eat croissants. We prefer German.
We are starting the test. Are you buying some ice cream?
We are disturbing our parents. I am buying some ice cream.

adjectives as pronouns
I like the green t-shirt, not the red one.
They need the French dictionary, not the Spanish one.
We like the little binders, not the big ones.
Do you want (voulez) the black pens or the blue ones?
I want (veux) the white sneakers, not the gray ones.
He wants (veut) the new calculator, not the old one.

Les Devoirs: rien... mais étudiez beaucoup pour l'examen de grammaire la prochaine fois!
  • Also, if you do not finish the above sentences in class, you must finish them and submit the remaining sentences to me by the end of the next class period!
  • After you have finished writing all 30 sentences, check your work with this handy answer key.

French 1: Chapter 4 Grammar Review

Here are the five things you need to know for the Chapter 4 Grammar Quiz:
  1. How to express need with avoir besoin de (j'ai besoin de, tu as besoin de, il a besoin de...) and il me faut (p. 125)
  2. How to conjugate -re verbs (p. 116)
  3. How to conjugate -ger/-cer verbs (p. 118)
  4. How to conjugate the accent-changing verbs (the verbs that add accents grave in the 1-2-3-6 forms; a.k.a. the shoe verbs, boot verbs, sheep verbs; p. 128)
  5. How to use adjectives as nouns (p. 130).
Here are the 30 sentences I gave you to practice the five main grammar points in Chapter 4:

-re verbs
My sisters need to study.Do you sell t-shirts?
I need a pencil.We are selling our books.
Do you need a pen?Are you waiting for Mom?
Marie needs some sneakers.They are answering the prof.
Do you need erasers?I hear my dog.
We need to go to the library.He's losing his book.

-ger/-cer verbs
accent grave verbs
We are placing the TV here (ici).We are raising our hands (les mains).
We are correcting our homework.They are raising their hands.
We pronounce French well!She prefers French.
We eat croissants.We prefer German.
We are starting the test.Are you buying some ice cream?
We are disturbing our parents.I am buying some ice cream.

adjectives as pronouns
I like the green t-shirt, not the red one.
They need the French dictionary, not the Spanish one.
We like the little binders, not the big ones.
Do you want (voulez) the black pens or the blue ones?
I want (veux) the white sneakers, not the gray ones.
He wants (veut) the new calculator, not the old one.

And here are some correct French translations:
  1. need
    1. Mes sœurs ont besoin d'étudier. / Mes sœurs, il leur faut étudier.
    2. J'ai besoin d'un crayon. / Il me faut un crayon.
    3. Tu as besoin d'un stylo? / Il te faut un stylo?
    4. Marie a besoin des baskets. / Marie, il lui faut des baskets.
    5. Vous avez besoin des gommes? / Il vous faut des gommes?
    6. Nous avons besoin d'aller à la bibliothèque. / Il nous faut aller à la bibliothèque. 
  2. -re verbs
    1. Tu vends des tee-shirts?
    2. Nous vendons nos livres.
    3. Vous attendez maman?
    4. Ils répondent au prof.
    5. J'entends mon chien.
    6. Il perd son livre.
  3. -ger/-cer verbs
    1. Nous plaçons la télé ici.
    2. Nous corrigeons nos devoirs.
    3. Nous prononçons le français bien!
    4. Nous mangeons des croissants.
    5. Nous commençons l'examen.
    6. Nous dérangeons nos parents.
  4. accent grave verbs
    1. Nous levons les mains.
    2. Elles lèvent les mains.
    3. Elle préfère le français.
    4. Nous préférons l'allemand.
    5. Tu achétes de la glace? / Vous achetez de la glace?
    6. J'achète de la glace.
  5. adjectives as nouns 
    1. J'aime le tee-shirt vert, pas le rouge.
    2. Ils ont besoin du dictionnaire français, pas l'espagnol.
    3. Nous aimons les petits classeurs, pas les grands.
    4. Voulez-vous les stylos noirs ou les bleus?
    5. Je veux les baskets blanches, pas les grises.
    6. Il veut la nouvelle calculatrice, pas la vieille.

French 3: Tuesday December 11 2012 Lesson Plan

DUE: rien! Points for Friday's performance at West Elementary, entered as the equivalent of a vocab quiz grade. Speaking of which...

[50 minutes] Vocabulary Practice!
  • Ask students questions using Vocabulary List 3.2.
  • Do pp. 110–111, Exs. 21, 22, 24 and 25 together.
  • [20 minutes] Students write one paragraph, past tense, using at least ten of the vocab words.
  • Students present paragraphs to class and translate.
[20 minutes] New Grammar: Past Perfect! plus-que-parfait! p. 112
  • Past perfect is how we say things like "Bob said that he had eaten five pizzas."
  • Practice with p. 112 Ex. 27
Les Devoirs: 
  • Écrivez p. 113 Exs. 28 & 29. 
  • Étudiez pour l'examen de vocabulaire 3.2! pp. 110–113!

French 2: Wednesday December 12 2012 Lesson Plan

DUE: Les Devoirs! Translate the following sentences:
  1. Bob did nothing.
  2. Luc saw no one.
  3. Liselle ate something bad.
  4. Camille talked to someone.
  5. Jean-Claude speaks only French.
  6. We've been in Paris for five days.
  7. Pierre and Antoine have taken math for ten years.
  8. Pauline has been taking history for three months.
  9. Someone has been using the phone for three hours.
  10. Something has been making noise (faire du bruit) since midnight.
  11. No one has been here for two hours.
  12. No one has been here since two in the afternoon.
  13. Nothing has been happening for two weeks.
  14. I haven't seen anyone for three days.
  15. I have been eating only bread and cheese since Monday.
Mais d'abord:

[30 minutes] L'examen de vocabulaire 4.2! pp. 130–133

[60 minutes] Chapter 4 Grammar Quiz Review! 

You need to know four big grammar points from Chapter 4:
  1. depuis, il y a... que, ça fait... que (p. 136)
  2. suivre (p. 134)
  3. quelqu'un, quelque chose, ne... personne, ne... rien... ne... que (p. 124)
  4. Object pronouns in the past tense (p. 122)

Today's homework practiced all of these items except the object pronouns. We start by putting these sentences on the board.

Then practice the time expressions by revising these sentences: students change depuis sentences to ça fait/il y a... que structure and vice versa.

Then practice the someone/no one expressions by changing #1–4 to say different things (CAH will prescribe).

Then practice the ne... que structure by writing the following five sentences:
  1. I watched only two movies. [Yes, the que goes after the verb, right before the direct boject we are limiting!]
  2. Robert only wants a sandwich.
  3. We did only one grammar exercise.
  4. We took only one French test.
  5. My friends bought only three baguettes.
Finally, practice object pronouns in the past tense by writing the following sentences:
  1. The sandwich? Marie ate it.
  2. The pie? We ate it.
  3. The sandwiches? Liselle ate them.
  4. The pies? I ate them.
  5. The class? They took it. [use suivre!]
  6. The car? Robert followed it.
  7. The math classes? Guillaume took them. [again, use suivre!]
  8. The girls? The dog followed them.
Les Devoirs: rien! Mais édiez comme fou pour l'examen de grammaire de Chapitre 4, que vous allez passer vendredi!

French 1: Mon/Tue December 10-11 2012 Lesson Plan

DUE: Les Devoirs: Do pp. 130–131 Exs. 33 & 35. Write out all sentences!

[30 minutes] Grammar Review: Put sentences on board!
  • Then do Exs. 34 and 32 together!
[20 minutes] More Grammar Practice: Do. pp. 138–139 Exs. 2, 3, 4 in class!

[30 minutes] Vocabulary 4.2 Drill!
  • Conversation: students ask each other what's in their bags; students respond with nouns and adjectives!
  • Face to face drill!
Les Devoirs: Study for Vocab Quiz 4.2!

French 2: Monday December 10 2012 Lesson Plan

DUE: Les Devoirs: pp. 136–137 Exs. 33, 34, & 35.

[30 minutes] Go over homework!

[10 minutes] Practice depuis/ça fait... que/il y a... que: Do p. 147 Ex. 4.

[20 minutes] Review Vocabulary 4.2! Face à face drill!

Les Devoirs: (1) Study for Vocab Quiz 4.2 and (2) Translate the following sentences:
  1. Bob did nothing.
  2. Luc saw no one.
  3. Liselle ate something bad.
  4. Camille talked to someone.
  5. Jean-Claude speaks only French.
  6. We've been in Paris for five days.
  7. Pierre and Antoine have taken math for ten years.
  8. Pauline has been taking history for three months.
  9. Someone has been using the phone for three hours.
  10. Something has been making noise (faire du bruit) since midnight.
  11. No one has been here for two hours.
  12. No one has been here since two in the afternoon.
  13. Nothing has been happening for two weeks.
  14. I haven't seen anyone for three days.
  15. I have been eating only bread and cheese since Monday.

French 1: Thu/Fri December 6-7 2012 Lesson Plans

DUE: Les Devoirs: Write out conjugations for the following verbs:
préférer placer répondre emmener
entendre répéter prononcer rendre
manger perdre amener avancer
espérer échanger vendre lever
attendre acheter corriger promener

[35 minutes] Review all Chapter 4 verb conjugations on board!

[30 minutes] New Grammar: Using Adjectives as Nouns!

  • In English, we say "the red one, the blue one."
  • In French, they don't need the "one"!
  • Tu aimes le sac rouge? Non, je préfère le bleu.
  • Elle aime la trousse bleue? Non, elle préfère la verte.
  • Vous aimez les baskets noires? Non, nous préférons les violettes.
  • Practice with vocab examples on board!
Les Devoirs:  Do pp. 130–131 Exs. 33 & 35. Write out all sentences!

French 2: Thursday December 6 2012 Lesson Plan

DUE: Les devoirs! suivre practice: 
  1. Write sentences for p. 135, Exercise 30.
  2. Write six original sentences using different forms of suivre.
[10 minutes] Vocab Practice! Teacher-student drill of computer terms. L'examen mercredi, le 12 decembre!
[25 minutes] suivre review!
  • Put homework sentences on board.
  • Do p. 134 Ex. 28 together.
[30 minutes] depuis, il y a... que, and ça fait... que
  • Note that all three of these phrases mean the same thing: they say that an action has been going on for a certain amount of time or since a certain time:
    • J'étudie depuis deux heures. 
    • Ça fait deux heures que j'étudie.
    • Il y a deux heures que j'étudie.
    • —I've been studying for two hours.
    • Robert travaille ici depuis trois ans. 
    • Ça fait trois ans que Robert travaille ici.
    • Il y a trois ans que Robert travaille ici.
    • —Robert's been working here for three years.
    • Nous suivons le cours de français depuis quatorze semaines.
    • Ça fait quatorze ans que nous suivons le cours de français.
    • Il y a quatorze ans que nous suivons le cours de français.
    •  —We've been taking French for fourteen weeks.
  • Ça fait... que and Il y a... que put the time at the front of the sentence; depuis goes in the middle and puts the time at the end.
  • Arguably the trickiest thing is the verb! In English, we put this expression in a past progressive form: have been doing. In French, we use a simple present verb. We need three verbs; the French get it done in one.
  • Practice with various expressions on board.
Les Devoirs: pp. 136–137 Exs. 33, 34, & 35. 

French 3: Wednesday December 5 2012 Lesson Plan

DUE: Write Vocab List 3.1 (including Exprimons-nous and Entre copains) quatre fois!

Note shortened period! Only 75 minutes!

[10 minutes] Vocab Practice! Read and repeat!

[65 minutes] Rehearsal time! Students present French at top, then revise and practice, then present again, full French and English!

Les Devoirs: nothing to hand in, but be at West Elementary by 12:09 on Friday! We go live Friday!

French 2: Tuesday December 4 2012 Lesson Plan

DUE: Les Devoirs:  Write a short "how-to" en français on how to use a laptop computer to research and write a paper. Phrases to include:
  1. Start up the computer and the software.
  2. Start up the browser.
  3. Search for information, click on links, maybe download some files....
  4. Open your word processor.
  5. Write, write, write,...
  6. Save, shut it down (éteindre), take a break...
  7. Reopen, correct, print (or just e-mail!)...
  8. Give the paper to the teacher.
[10 minutes] Vocab Practice! Around the horn: each student must demonstrate performing one of the vocab actions on his/her computer and say what he/she is doing!

[30 minutes] How-To Presentations!
  • Students get five minutes to prepare, test equipment on Smart Board, etc.
  • Students present! CAH corrects!
[30 minutes] New Grammar: suivre p. 134
  • Practice conjugation!
  • Note the possible confusion with je suis.
  • Note past participle suivi.
  • Practice with pp. 134–135 Exs. 27, 28, 29
Les Devoirs: 
  1. Write sentences for p. 135, Exercise 30.
  2. Write six original sentences using different forms of suivre.

French 1: Tue/Wed December 4-5 2012 Lesson Plan

Note: shortened periods on Wednesday!
Les Devoirs: Write 10 original sentences expressing need for something. 5 sentences should use the besoin de construction; 5 should use the il me faut construction. At least six of the sentences should use  school supply vocab words from list 4.2. Examples (students may not use these sentences for their homework!):
  1. J'ai besoin de mon crayon bleu ("I need my blue pencil.")
  2. Tu as besoin d'un parapluie? ("Do you need an umbrella?")
  3. Ils ont besoin des pantalons verts! ("They need some green pants!")
  4. Il me faut un grand sac à dos. ("I need a big backpack.")
  5. Il me faut manger. ("I need to eat.")
[10 minutes] Vocabulary Practice: Each student gets a chance to ask "Qu'est-ce que c'est?" while holding up an object from his/her backpack (preferably objects on the current vocab list!). The next student must then answer, "C'est un/une..." and give the right noun and at least one color describing it.
[30 minutes] Homework Review: need!
  • Students pair up, read, translate, and correct each other's sentences.
  • CAH checks homework during this time.
  • Each student puts one of his/her sentences on board. (In larger sections, maybe just half?)
  • We review each sentence together.
  • Around the room: ask each student to say "Now I need X." 
  • Expand: show students all six forms of avoir besoin de and il ... faut (note that il lui faut and il leur faut are reaches!).
  • Ask students to revise the sentences on the board: change to say someone else needs the thing mentioned.
The University of Minnesota offers a really good explanation of what's happening with this accent shift, with audio samples!
[30 minutes] Grammar: Verbs with changing accents—préférer and acheter! p. 128!
  • Memorize these verbs: 
    • préférer, espérer, répéter
    • acheter, amener, emmener, lever, promener
  • e or é in last syllable of conjugated verb turns to è.
  • regular -er conjugation, but with -è- in all three singular forms and the third person plural:
  • je préfèrenous préférons
    tu préfères vous préférez
    il préfèreils préfèrent

    j'achètenous achetons
    tu achètesvous achetez
    elle achèteelles achètent
  • In other words, this accent shift happens in the je, tu, il/elle, and ils/elles forms of these verbs.
  • In other words, change to è in the 1, the 2, the 3, and the 6!
  • Do pp. 128–129 Exs. 27, 28, and maybe 29 together in class.
Les Devoirs: Write out conjugations for the following verbs:
  1. préférer
  2. entendre
  3. manger
  4. espérer
  5. attendre
  6. placer
  7. répéter
  8. perdre
  9. échanger
  10. acheter
  11. répondre
  12. prononcer
  13. amener
  14. vendre
  15. corriger
  16. emmener
  17. rendre
  18. avancer
  19. lever
  20. promener

French 3: Monday December 3 2012 Lesson Plan

DUE: rien (parce nous travaillons si dur les récits pour les enfants)!

[20 minutes] New Vocabulary! Section 3.2!
  • Read and repeat all highlighted words on pp 108–111, including two Exprimons-nous sections and one Entre copains section.
  • Students read brief paragraphs on pp. 108–109.
  • Vocab Homework: write all vocab words and phrases four times.
[70 minutes] Pratiquons les récits!!
  • D'abord, vous avez 40 minutes pour répéter les textes.
  • Après, vous présentez encore pour CAH, qui en fait la critique.
Les Devoirs: 
  • Write Vocab List 3.1 (including Exprimons-nous and Entre copains) quatre fois!
  • Bring all props, costumes, etc. that you need to class Wednesday for full run-through! Leave nothing untested for Friday!