French 1: Wednesday January 23 2013 Lesson Plan
DUE: Les Devoirs:
- Write six-part conjugation charts for each of these verbs: vouloir, pouvoir, savoir, voir, devoir.
- Write three sentences for each verb. Each of the three for each verb should have a different subject. (In other words, you can't write all of your vouloir sentences about yourself—Je veux danser; je veux chanter; je veux manger.)
[10 minutes]
Conjugation/Pronunciation Warm-Up!
- Each student reads one conjugation chart (je peux, tu peux...).
- Then we put the charts away and each student does the same without looking!
- Split to two groups in TA sections!
[10 minutes]
Pronunciation Practice in Pairs:
- Students pair up, read and translate each other's sentences.
- CAH checks homework during this time.
- TA listens and guides!
[10 minutes]
"You ought to..."—devoir practice!
- Each student must think of some good advice and tell CAH something he should do, using the verb devoir: Vous devez/tu dois...."
[45 minutes]
Verb Review au tableau!
- Students put samples of sentences for each verb on board.
- Review and correct together.
Les Devoirs: Translate the following 15 sentences:
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