French 3 Oral Final Exam May 2013

The French 3 Oral Final Exam will consist of two parts.

In Part 1, CAH will ask you as many questions from the following list as possible. CAH may skip questions and change their order. You must answer each question with at least one complete sentence. You should also be prepared to answer any follow-up questions that CAH may logically construct from your responses to these questions.
  1. [CAH va te montrer cinq ans entre 1000 et 2013. Tu va dire les ans en français.]
  2. Comment tu passeras les vacances d'été?
  3. Qu'est-ce que tu espères à faire après le lycée?
  4. Qu'est-ce que tu as lu dans les nouvelles de la France cette semaine?
  5. Dis-moi de tes parents (pp. 146-147)
  6. Quel animal te fait le plus peur? (pp. 186-187)
  7. Quels sports extrêmes aimes-tu? (pp. 198-199)
  8. Dis-moi d'un chef d'œuvre de l'art français. (pp. 366-367)
  9. Quel genre de spectacle préfères-tu? (pp. 378-379)
  10. Quels phénomènes naturels se passent ici au Dakota du Sud? (pp. 276-277)
  11. Quel problème de l'environnement considères-tu le plus urgent? Quelle solution proposes-tu? (pp. 288-289)
Here are those questions on Youtube and on the filter-accessible school video library:

In Part 2, you must Pose au prof cinq questions en français (et montre, que tu comprends ses réponses: traduis immediatement en anglais)!
  • CAH will not count simple questions like "Ça va?" "Comment vous appelez-vous?" or "Quel âge avez-vous?"
  • You may not ask any of the questions posed to you by CAH in Part 1.
  • Do not rehearse questions translated from English to French on Google Translate. Compose questions of interest to you from the vocabulary we have studied.
CAH will administer the Oral Final Exam in ten-minute one-on-one interviews with each student May 14–May 17 and May 20–23. Oral Final Exams will take place before school, during lunch, during Spartan Time, after school, and during other times when CAH is available. Most exams will take place at SHS; CAH will also hold exam appointments downtown at Common Grounds on Thursday, May 16, and Tuesday, May 21 from 16:30 to 19:00. Students are responsible for signing up for their own exam appointment times on the master schedule in CAH's classroom and for remembering to show up at their chosen times.

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