French 1: Nov. 10-14 Lesson Plan

DUE: Les Devoirs: New Vocab Writing Practice!
  • Write each new vocab word/phrase four times.
  • p. 93 "Entre Copains" (branché/branchée, chouette, un gamin/une gamine, un frangin/une frangine, mes vieux, mamie, papi)
  • p. 107 Vocabulaire 2
{10 minutes} Warm-up! p.93!
  • In trios, one student asks a question from p. 93 Exprimons-nous!
  • Second student answers the question.
  • Third student translates what was just said!
{5 minutes} Listening practice! p. 92, ex. 21

{20 minutes} Vocab Practice: p. 92 exs. 22 & 23
  • Students work in pairs on these exercises, review together.
{30 minutes} Possessive Adjectives! p. 94!
  • Show masculine, feminine, and plural forms for all possessive adjectives.
  • Practice with Exercises 26, 27, and 28 in class.
Les Devoirs: Translate the following phrases into French! (pronouns in parenthesis indicate whether you are talking to tu or vous, singular/familiar or plural/formal.)
  1. her half-sister
  2. your (vous) grandson
  3. my grandpa
  4. his grandparents
  5. her cousin (f)
  6. their husband
  7. our cat
  8. your (vous) stepmother
  9. her uncle
  10. our daughters
  11. my son
  12. your (tu) cousins (m)
  13. their granddaughter
  14. his mother
  15. your (tu) aunts
  16. my wife
  17. your (vous) nieces
  18. his children
  19. their brother
  20. your (tu) grandma
  21. your (vous) grandchildren
  22. his dogs
  23. her sisters
  24. their parents
  25. my father
  26. our stepfather
  27. our nephew
  28. your (tu) family

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