French 2: Wednesday April 18 Lesson Plan

DUE: rien! But you have, of course, studied comme un fou for...

{25 minutes} Verb Quiz! You need to be able to form the imperfect (p. 198) and the future tense (pp. 250 & 252) of any verb I throw at you. You should also be prepared to give the present tense conjugation and regular past tense forms of said verbs.

{40 minutes} Introduce new Vocab List 9.1: Les films et les romans! (pp. 310–313)
  • Practice pronunciation
  • Practice some basic questions
Les Devoirs: Vocab Writing Practice!
  1. Write all movie and novel words in pictures and in D'autres mots utiles four times. Wherever possible, include the name of a film, novel, or person who is an example of the term!
  2. Write all Entre copains terms (p. 312) four times.
  3. Write all Exprimons-nous! phrases (pp. 311 and 313) three times.

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