French 1: Nov 30-Dec 1 Lesson Plan

DUE: Les Devoirs! p. 104 Exs. 1 & 2 (write complete sentences!)

{10 minutes} Finish any remaining/make-up slideshows!

{20 minutes} Review Exs. 1 & 2
  • Put sentences on board, correct errors
{10 minutes} Do Ex. 4 together, reviewing possessive adjectives

{15 minutes} être and adjective agreement review
  • CAH gives sentences in English students translate into French on paper and on the board.
I am tall.You (sing.) are short.She is not smart.
He is not elderly.
We are annoying.
You (pl.) are not serious.
They (m.) are blond.
They (f.) are not brunette.
Jean-Luc is strong.
Marianne is not thin.
Bob and Richard are fat.
My sisters are nice.
My cousins are not mean.
Your uncle is fantastic!
You (pl.) are very generous.
The cat is black.
I am creative.
You (sing.) are not funny.

{15 minutes} de contractions
  • Give students phrases in English to translate on board.
the mother's MP3 player
the father's radio
the child's grandfather
the children's chocolate
the husband's dog
the wife's cat
the sister's car
the brother's computer
the sisters' drawing
the boy's parents
the boys' parents
the girl's books
the girls' books
the teacher's newspaper
the teachers' magazines
the nephew's fries
the grandmother's music
the student's vacation

Les Devoirs: Study like crazy for the Grammar Quiz which happens next time!
  • Page 106 has the summary of all four points. See also:
    1. p. 82: conjugation of être
    2. p. 84: adjective agreement
    3. p. 94: possessive adjectives
    4. p. 96: contractions with de

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