French 2: Friday March 2 Lesson Plan

DUE: rien! (but you should be studying for your Vocab Quiz 5.2, coming March 13, on words on pp. 170, 171, 173)

{30 minutes} Review passé composé (pp. 58, 60)
  • Glance back at pp. 58 and 60 for basic formation of past tense.
  • Students translate the following sentences au tableau:
  1. I worked all morning.
  2. You worked all morning.
  3. She waited all afternoon.
  4. We waited the whole evening.
  5. You went to all the films.
  6. They entered all the rooms.
  7. All the monsters died.
  8. All the students arrived at 8 o'clock.
  9. I have stayed at all the hotels in Bismarck.
  10. You ate all the cake!
  11. Elise used all the soap.
  12. We lost all of our toothpaste.
  13. You took the bus.
  14. Jean and Claude did all their homework.
  15. Marie and Isadore knew all the answers.
  16. I climbed all the mountains.
  17. You went out to all the parties.
  18. All my brothers were born in winter.
  19. All my sisters were born in summer.
  20. They put all the towels in the bathroom.
{30 minutes} Reflexive verbs in passé composé (p. 174)
  • Reflexive verbs act like verbs of motion: they all take être in the past tense!
  • One big difference from verbs of motion: the past participle agrees with the subject/reflexive pronoun only if there is not some other direct object (like the teeth being brushed, hair being combed, hands being washed) after the verb.
  • Examples:
    1. Male speaking: Je me suis levé.
    2. Female speaking: Je me suis levée.
    3. Tu t'es rasé?
    4. Marion s'est lavée.
    5. Marion s'est lavé les mains. ("The hands" are a direct object; participle does not change to feminine to agree with subject Marion.)
    6. Nous nous sommes habillés.
    7. Mes filles, vous vous êtes habillées? (extra e and s: feminine plural!)
    8. Les garçons se sont couchés a 10 h.
    9. Les filles se sont brossé les dents. ("The teeth" are direct object, so participle does not agree with subject.)
  • Do p. 174, Ex. 27 together in class
Les Devoirs: Reflexive verb practice: Write out p. 175, exercises 28, 29, and 30.

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