French 2: Thursday March 29 Lesson Plan

DUE: Present Le théâtre du camping!
    1. Students may work in twos, threes, or fours.
    2. Students must compose and perform a skit on camping using numerous items from Vocab List 7.1.
    3. Each student must deliver at least six lines. (Yes, that means a trio will do a longer skit than a duo.)
    4. For each camping-gear vocab word, you must have a prop or picture! You can use the pictures you drew in class last time. You can draw new pictures. You can bring in real objects (just not lighters or other items that can set people on fire or otherwise violate school policy).
{10 minutes} prepare for skits!

{20 minutes} present skits!

{15 minutes} practice Vocab 6.1

{35 minutes} Introduce the imperfect! L'imparfait! p. 198!

Les Devoirs:
  1. Pick ten French verbs. Write the six imperfect forms of each verb!
  2. Study for Vocab Quiz 7.1 on pp. 234-237 (don't forget both Exprimons-nous sections and D'autres mots utiles!). Quiz happens on Monday, April 2!

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