French 3: Monday April 8 2013 Lesson Plan

DUE: Les Devoirs!
  1. Track down a real poster for a French stage show, circus, concert, or other such spectacle. 
  2. Prepare that poster to display on the SmartBoard.
  3. Prepare one minute of comment (in French!) on said poster.
  4. Be ready to present on Monday
And study for Vocab Quiz 9.2, which happens today!

But first...

[20 minutes] Verb Tense Practice! Everybody write the ils/elles form of an -ir verb on the board in the six big tenses (present, past, imperfect, future, conditional, subjunctive) and the present participle. Plus, write one sentence using one of those forms and be ready to translate it!

[20 minutes] Les présentations des posters des spectacles français!
  • Students present with poster on board but with no notes!
  • Each student asks the speaker who follows her/him a question about the show; speaker responds! (Last speaker asks first speaker.)
[25 minutes] Vocab Quiz 9.2! pp. 378–381 and R21 "Les arts" list

[25 minutes] Introduce Vocab List 7.1 "Les phénomènes naturels," pp. 276–279

Les Devoirs pour vendredi (mercredi: D-STEP! pas de classe!): Write all Vocab 7.1 words and phrases, including Exprimons-nous, four times.

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