French 2: Wednesday February 20 2013 Lesson Plan

Les Devoirs:
  1. Translate 15 relative pronoun sentences, five using qui, five using que, five using dontSee below!
  2. Create movie poster! Review rules on Friday lesson plan... and remember that you must prepare a few words (at least three sentences!) to say to the class in French about the movie you choose to posterize!
  3. Study for Vocab Quiz 9.1, which we will do on Friday!
    Les phrases à traduire pour mercredi! Translate the following sentences, using the relative pronouns quique, and dont.
    1. The actor who plays the hero is handsome.
    2. The actress who plays the heroine is magnificent.
    3. The movie that I saw Saturday is exciting.
    4. The book that Jeanne read has many twists.
    5. The director who made Star Wars is rich!
    6. The drama that is playing at the cinema is depressing.
    7. The comedy that is coming Friday is funny.
    8. I like the same actor whom you like!
    9. Our parents hate the horror movies that we adore.
    10. Anne-Marie likes the mystery novel I gave her.
    11. I saw the actor whose last movie was a flop.
    12. They saw the director whose last spy movie a hit.
    13. That's the movie whose actors are all French.
    14. That's the romance novel whose author lives in Paris.
    15. We watched a cartoon whose story we couldn't understand.
[25 minutes] Present Movie Posters!

  • 5 minutes to practice!
  • CAH checks written homework and posters first!
  • Each student presents movie poster to class, must say at least three sentences about the chosen film.
[45 minutes] Grammar Practice: qui, que, dont! Relative Pronouns!
  • Put homework on board!
  • Practice the following sentences (sources here and here).
    1. Je vais aller voir le film ______ tu m'as parlé.
    2. J'adore le cadeau ______ tu m'as donné.
    3. Le parc ______ j'habite est idéal pour promener mon chien.
    4. La personne ______ je peux compter est ma meilleure amie.
    5. Je connais une femme ______ parle cinq langues.
    6. Il parle tout le temps, ______ me rend folle.
    7. Voilà le bon livre de grammaire ______ j'ai besoin.
    8. Le stylo ______ je veux acheter coûte dix euros.
    9. Je n'ai pas compris la question ____ il a posée.
    10. Je n'aime pas la chanson _____ a gagné le meilleur prix au concours.
    11. Où est le livre _______ contient les questions?
    12. Quel est le restaurant ____ ils nous ont recommandé?
[20 minutes] Vocabulary Practice: Face-to-face drill!

Les Devoirs: rien! Mais étudiez fort pour l'examen de vocabulaire 9.1 vendredi!

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